welcome 2 my dark realm!

this is the net-home of meredith (mara) esper welsley. aka neko t. harmony (ハーモニー根子). you can also call me bagel :P

my life usually contains some mix of making music, running, reading and thinking (especially about buddhism and daoism), and as many odds and ends as i can fit in. i like variety - i try to make my life quite small in a way that it still contains everything!

i recently made a visual novel called Hello Girl alongside my fellow imo team acolytes for the 2023 vncup. you can find it here!

i know this site looks really bad.. >_< i'm a lapsed programmer, but i'm trying to get back into it. maybe one day it'll look really cool here!

posts i've made here:

some other things, links, etc:

contact: mara @ nekopath . fun or twitter

i really like sharing. anything i do you can use for any thing for any reason. also you can download stuff from my music library on slsk at user sleepmoding